Shlokaspardha 2025
Welcome to SamskritaBharati's annual Samskritam Recitation Competition (shlōka-spardhā). We have conducted several recitation competitions over the last several years, selecting verses from samkṣhepa-rāmāyaṇam, yōgasūtras of patanjali, bhartṛhari's nItishatakam, ādityahṛdayaṃ, and others. Our primary goal for conducting a shloka recitation competition is to introduce original Samskritam literature texts to children (and their parents). What better way to instill these samskritam-shlōkās in our children (and adults) than a fun-filled event with a small dose of competition!
This year, we introduce ‘śri rāma-rakṣhā stōtram’, a devotional hymn composed by Sage Budhakoushika, dedicated to Lord Rāma. Lord Shiva instructed this to Sage Budhakaushika in his dream. Accordingly, the learned sage wrote this when he woke up the next morning. This is also known as ‘vajra-panjara’ and ‘rāma-kavacha’ and protects the reciter like a protective cage made of diamond (that which cannot be pierced).
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Details for ślōka-spardhā 2025
Date: February 8th, 9-11 AM
Venue: L-Quad, De Anza College, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014
Participation is mandatory for all our saṃskṛta-kendram students. Please register here at your earliest convenience, no later than 1/6/2025.
Details are available on our website here.
Please note: This event is open to all (whether you attend saṃskṛtam classes or not). Register soon and help spread the word with your friends and relatives who may be interested in learning saṃskṛta-ślōkāḥ.
You can find the audios and pdfs of each respective gaNa linked below.